Posted by : Maxime Hamon jeudi 20 août 2015

Désolé pou l'attente. J'ai passé pas mal de temps sur ce texte, j'ai écrit l'équivalent de 3 beubarz. J'espère qu'il vous plaira ! J'y ai mit tout mon coeur ! 

It was the night in the town of Crossheaven, located somewhere in Europe. A gigantic crowd was waiting in front of the dimension door, which was located just behind the cathedral of the city. The door was enormous, between 3 and 4 times the height of the church. People were talking, laughing, screaming, in order to appease their eagerness. Suddenly, two priests came and bang a golden gong. The door was opened, releasing a light so intense that people had to hide their eyes behind their arms. Those who brought their sunglasses could see a shadow appearing and walking out from the light. At this point, the mob became crazy. They shouted the name of the shadow, Gradis, and some people bowed as soon as they saw him. The stranger, once he was completely out of the door, stopped and looked at the mass waiting for him. A dozen of priest led him to a stage where he could be seen and hear by everybody. He had a sophisticated look, with his yellow eyes and his face worthy of a magazine cover. His clothes, white colored, seemed to be from another time. They were covered with gold gilding and a phoenix was drawn in his back.
Once he was on the stage he stopped. He took a look at the door and saw a person looking at him from the top of it; he smiled at her and turned back to his people. He cleared his throat, and finally declared:
G – My people, my believer. I'm honored to declare the beginning of the Soul Festival.
He clapped his hands and suddenly, glowing butterflies spread all around the area. The mass was amazed by it, the children tried to touch them while the adults were simply gazing at it, impressed by the power of this god. Gradis went back to his speech:
G – And this year is a particular case, since it's the 300th anniversary of this festival. So please, respect the traditions that your ancestors tried to protect and pass down to you. Honor your dead, and they'll join the afterworld in peace.  Since it's my duty to protect and guide them, it's better when the souls are in good shape, right?
The crowd laughed at the god's joke. The female priests giggled behind him like middle schoolers.  The god seemed happy by this scenery, and claimed:
G – As usual, the Great door between this Earth and the afterworld will stay open for the whole duration of the festival, so if you want to travel, go ahead but I have to warn, don't be fooled by the afterworld and listen to the wisest people from your family, It will guaranty your safety. That's all !! Enjoy the …

A big smoke screen started to spread above the mass, and soon a hooded figure appeared in it. Gradis, not even surprised, said :
G – You're late … Death.
D – Indeed I am!
The smoke was gone. The stranger removed her hood. It revealed a woman with bones tattooed all over her body and her face. Her hairs were black and white, and the tips of her hairs were made of real bones. She was wearing a gothic dress with a hood on its back. She explained :
D – For those who are still newcomer to this town … You might also need to know that during these two months, blue wandering souls are allowed to spend the entire duration of the festival on Earth.
G – Oh now that you mention that … It's your job to send them there right ? Since you're their keeper.
D – I was about to do it ! SOULS ! I SUMMON YOU !
She looked at the top of the door and warned the mysterious watcher with a wink. Death opened her arms wide, and a purple circle appeared inside it. She took a deep breath and extended her arms wider. The circle expanded at a tremendous speed to the whole town. People were astonished by it. Kids were trying to play with it but suddenly, a blue form escaped from the circle and startled the kids. It was followed by a hundred; a thousand of others blue forms. After a while, they started to take the shape of a human body. An icy silence spread all over the town. A scream interrupted it :
? – Daddy !!!
A woman jumped into the arms of her father, which soul was granted a right to spend the whole summer on Earth. It was followed by the joy of others civilians who found themselves in front of the soul of a beloved person who passed away. The gods were watching the scene from afar, smiling from what they accomplished. An old woman walked slowly to their feet and put some foods to honor their benefactors. But the party was quickly interrupted by a scream. Not like the previous one, it was a scream made out of fear.

Many civilians among the crowd pointed out the cloudy mountain. On the top of it, there was a monster with three head, eight legs and a tongue long enough to touch the floor. It was a Soul Eater. A being living in a forbidden part of the Afterworld, a place that even the gods were afraid to explore. It unleashed a wild cry, and all of its eyes looked at the town at the same time. It was the perfect prey. An area full of souls, its favorite meal. Without any warning, it charged towards the town at full speed. Panic scattered among the souls and the humans, since the dead ones were defenseless against those creatures. Gradis, full of confidence, put himself in the way of the beast and shouted, to calm down the population:
G – Don't worry fellow worshipers ! I'm going to protect the way a God of Souls has to do it !!! BEHOOOLD MY POWER !!
The beast kept its charge towards its upcoming feast. Gradis, who wasn't even worried by it coming closer, said :
G – Since I'm a merciful God, You've 5 seconds to go back into your cursed world. If you don't … I'll have to annihilate you !
The beast didn't listen to his speech. The god stated his countdown.5. The beast destroyed a forest. 4. It created a giant hole in the ground. 3. The fauna ran away. 2. The earth shook at each strides of the monster.1. Gradis pointed his finger like a gun in direction of the soul eater. At the same moment, The shadow sat on the door jumped from her spot. Once it was illuminated by the lights of the city. It revealed a girl with purple hairs, purple eyes with a cross inside it. She was wearing a jacket which ended with purple flames and her feet were surrounded by purple flames. On her back there was a giant blue scythe made of silver. She caught the handle and simply by drawing it, she created an enormous hole in the ground, also splitting in two the beast in the process. The mysterious girl put back in place her scythe, and then she glanced at the crowd. They were motionless for a few seconds, and then they shouted:
? – GRADIS SAVED US !!! He's a hero.
The population of humans and souls didn't seem to see the purple haired girl and acclaimed Gradis, who was the real hero according to them. The mysterious woman hung her head and went back to her previous spot, while Gradis and Death celebrated their "victory" with the population.
After one hour, the square in front of the door was empty. The priests were cleaning while Gradis and Death were talking with the archbishop:
Arch – Thanks again for saving those souls. I'm glad your generation is so strong.
Gradis – Don't thank me. It's our job after all.
Death – Indeed … We've to watch over the souls.
Gradis – You can go back now Archbishop … We've still something to settle about that monster.
Arch – Very well.
The Archbishop went back into the cathedral. The two gods flew to the top of the giant door. The purple girl was still here, staring at the corpse of the monster. Death asked :
D – Clara … Are you still sulking?
Cl – No I'm not … Why do you ask ?
Gra – Come on …
Cl – They were happy right ? It must be great to be loved by them.
D – Clara … I …
A counter was above the head of each god. Gradis counter was showing a giant two billions, Death's 1,5 billions and above Clara … There was a tiny 0. Clara sniffed and replied :
Cl – Don't way a thing ! I'm used to it by now ! You're using me to make them believe you've tremendous power … that's life.
Gradis, who lost his temper, archly responded:
Gr – Listen ! We're made to be the one they need to believe in! You're strong it's a fact, but you're not made to be on the spotlight with … your personality … and other things.
Cl – WHAT ?!
Gr – See ! A god must stay calm in every situation! And you've already the most important role in the God's hierarchy. You're the guardian of souls, the one that guides them to death by protecting them from the Soul Eater.
Cl - … If you say so … You're calm right now ? I just need to be sure.
Gra – Don't mock me Clara …
Clara made a wave with her left arm. It made the Soul Eater corpse's exploded in a thousand particles, which then disappeared as if it has never existed. Death looked at the clock in front of the cathedral and exclaimed:
Death – By the way … It's time for your patrol right ?
Clara sighed and answered:
Cl – It is ... I've to go then … See you later.
Clara flew from her position without looking at the other gods. Death looked worried, she calmly said to Gradis :
Dea – don't you think we're a bit harsh with her ? It's our sister.
Gra – We can't help … She's … It's the only role that suit her. We need her here … The opinion would be shocked if they discovered that the God of souls is a powerless god … With as a sole power his beautiful face …
Dea - … Yeah …
Gra – But I'm worried about something else …
Dea – What ?
Gra – She has to take care of the Soul Eater only 2 or 3 days after the beginning of the festival … But for one to appears right after we opened it … Something fishy is going to happen.
Dea – We should warn the council.
Gra – Indeed.

Clara was slowly flying under the moon. She was watching at the people walking in the street, buying stuff for their reunited families. She was sad. No once was able to see her and no one ever would. It was the worst thing for a God. She just wanted to be recognized. When she was young, she imagined herself being at powerful God, protecting the humans and the souls, loved by everyone. Someone who would be remembered. But because of that tiny incident, that tiny mistake, she became an outcast among the Gods. She was now doing all the work in the shadow, while the others were having a fun life. Even the God of Boredom was having more fun. From time to time, she stopped herself in front of some bystander, to see if they'll notice her. But at each time, they walked through her. She was depressed for a while, but now, she got used to it. All she had to do what to watch over the citizens and then she could go back to her little paradise.
Suddenly, she felt a little pressure, heavier than the one of a human. She sought its origin, and found a little soul trying to defend itself against a lower-class Soul Eater in little dark alley of the town, where nobody could see them. Just by its presence, the monster was absorbing the strength of the soul. It took the staff the soul was using as a weapon and broke it into pieces. The monster was about to eat the soul, who was hiding its face against the wall.
At high speed, Clara rushed to the save the soul. When she landed on the ground, she created many rims on it. The Soul Eater turned back, and controlled by his wildest instinct, he tried to attack the Guardian with its bare fist. Clara dodged and caught it by its face, and she threw it against a wall behind them, using only a bit of her strength. When it hit the wall, Clara heard its bones breaking because of the shock. But it was still alive. It screamed with everything it had inside, shaking the whole area. It then unleashed a giant black blaster against our heroin, who easily stopped it with her right hand. She could have used her scythe to kill it, but she was lazy so she pointed out her finger towards it and pronounced:
Cl – REPEL !
The Soul Eater literally exploded with a cry of agony into a hundred of particles. Clara made them vanished by clapping in her hands. She sighed and went to see if the soul was okay. It was a little boy, around twelve years old. He had brown eyes. That's the only that was not blue for a soul. He was still hiding behind his hands, fearing for his life. Clara patted his head and murmured:
Cl – You must be a lost soul … being alone here … I'll make you feel better.
As she was patting him, a bright light appeared in her hand. She whispered some words in a strange language. The light transformed into a giant flash that could have blinded anybody looking at it. She didn't wait and left before the area was back to normal. She was sick of being the one sending the souls into the Other World. Her life was full of sad destinies. She sat on a bench and looked at her scythe. She talked to herself:
Cl – Daddy … I don't know what to do anymore … I'm lost. I just want to be free … Just for once … Be able to choose the way I want to live my life.
? – Then why don't you run away ?
Cl – It's not that simple. I WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE ?

The boy's soul from before was sat next to her, and was looking straight at her. He had a mischievous smile. She asked :
Cl – Why are you still here ? You should have been repelled by my spell …
? – you mean the light ? It was really cool. And warm too. Thanks you.
Cl – You're wel … OF COURSE NOT !
? – Your weapon is really cool. Can I touch it ?
Cl – Are you listening to me ? Ho ! … And even though I wanted to I would be impo …
Clara was shocked when she saw the kid playing with her scythe, as if it was a toy. She understood that this boy was no ordinary soul. It was more way more complicated. She observed him for a while, as if he was a strange animal. She finally dared to ask him:
Cl – What's your name ?
? – Mine ?
Cl – No, The Pope.
? – Oh. It's francois.
Cl – It was a joke, I was meaning you.
? – It's me or the Pope ?
Cl – You !!!!
? – You're really a girl !
Cl – Kids nowadays …
Q – My name is … Quentin … I think.
Cl – You think ?
Q – Well … It's the first name that came to my mind … I don't remember anything about my previous life.
Cl – That's quite unusual. So you don't have any family here?
Q – I don't … I'm alone.
Clara looked at him, and she was deeply touched by the young soul. She sighed and murmured:
Cl – You're like me then …
Q – What ?
Cl – Since … You're kinda special … I've to take you to the afterworld … Do you mind it ?
Q – Of course not! It's an honor to travel to that world.
Cl – Then let's go.
The goddess touched the forehead of the boy and both of them started to fly. Clara was used to it but the soul was amazed by it, he had the face of a five years old boy discovering his toy for Christmas. He was making spins, in front of Clara who seemed amused by it. Suddenly he stopped and asked :
Q – How are you going to travel to your world ?
Clara was surprised. He didn't know the existence of the Great Door even though he was a soul. She replied :
Cl – Like every soul did … Through the great door. The one over there.
Q – Wow it's big … It's the first time I see something like this. It must have been expensive to build that thing.
Cl – I don't know it was already there when I was born.
Q – I see … It's like the egg and the chicken right ?
Cl - … What ? You're an odd one you know.
Q – Every soul that I crossed the road said that to me … Don't know why.
Cl – I do wonder …
The two of them finally reach the door. The Guardian opened it and finally they were embraced by its bright light. Clara smiled at Quentin but he looked bothered by something above her head. But she didn't have the time to found out since they were transported into the afterworld.

? – Indeed … It might be a trouble for the future.
Gradis and Death were in the middle of a big room made in circle, with above them Gods sit on little planets. They were the council of the God's planet. Each planet having one Supreme God to rule over the others. However, nobody was sat on the Earth. The God of souls asked:
Gra – Do you think we should send a party to explore their part of the world?
A god sat on a purple white planet meanly replied:
? – No ! The last time we did that, we lost around 5 of us Gods.
Gradis glanced at another god. He was the one sat on a black and white planet. He was Tranos. The Almighty God. He remained silent since the beginning of the meeting. He had grey hairs and black eyes. A little dragon was sleeping around his neck and his face was covered with scars. Suddenly he raised his hand to shut his fellow gods. He questioned Gradis about his true intentions:
Tr – What do you want from us ? I'm sure you wanted something way more important than a simple party to explore their land.
Death took a peak at his brother. He had a determined face and his fists were clinched with all of his strength. He finally loudly demanded :
Gra – Give us a new supreme God !
Voices of indignation raised into the council. They were blaming Gradis for his boldness in front of them. One of them was about to punish him but Tranos, with his voice, interrupted him :
T – You know it's impossible.
G – Why ?
T – Your Supreme God died because of your lack of strictness, and we can't replace since the one supposed to do it can't even control its own power.
D – It's not her fault ! We can help her ! We can't stay like this !
T – But … He died because of her … right ?

Quentin and Clara finally arrived in the afterworld. They stepped into a room big enough to contain the Great door. The soul, looking at a window, was struck by the beauty of the scenery and its unusual conception. Creatures from the sea were flying in the sky and also the clouds were made of water, with drops falling from time to time. The sun was a big red ball with two giants phoenix flying all around it. The forests were full of colors and there was a mountain with its waterfall going backwards. They were in a Big White castle with countless towers, windows and doors. Quentin asked :
Q – It's marvelous ! If you're a living in world like this, why do you look so sad ?
Clara's face seemed overwhelmed by sadness all of a sudden. She replied :
Cl – Well … I …

T – Because she couldn't contain her power, she freed the Soul Reaper's leader, Katarsis, who then tried to abduct her and to steal the World Stone.
D – She was just a child … It wasn't possible for her to control a power so huge.
T – If it was just that … But your father, the Supreme God, had to sacrifice himself to save her but he couldn't retrieve the Stone, which is now lost forever. Without that stone, we can't nominate a new supreme God.
G – Then give us a new one.
T – It's not that simple you know … We must wait maybe a thousand years before a new one is created by the core of your planet, and you need someone powerful enough to control it.
D – We have one !
T – Her … She's a calamity!!! She destroyed the castle maybe 3 or 4 times in her entire life ! Of course she can control them now. Nobody can outmatch her so that's normal! But what will happen if she crosses the road of someone who forces her to reach her limits? She'll go berserk and she will destroy your world. That's all !
G – Damn … I swear you're …
T – Calm down … you may be a very popular God but I'm not afraid by a God who have for his sole power his beauty and who rely on his sister to do all the dirty work. You make me sick !
D – You told us to …
Gradis put his hands on his sister's right shoulder, to tell her to stop. She looked at him, saying with her eyes that they must oppose for once, but when she saw that her brother face remained emotionless, she agreed and didn't tried to argue any longer with The Almighty God.
T – So you've got your answer now. We're leaving … And deal with the Soul Reapers problem as well.
The Gods disappeared. Death punched her fist against a wall while Gradis kept looking at the place where was sit Tranos.  He looked angered and gloomy at the same time. He glared at his sister and said :
G – I don't know what to do anymore … If it goes on like that … Clara will …

Cl – So that's the story.
Q – Wow … He did that for you.
Cl – Yeah … He was my hero. And my punishment is to live with that 0 above my head. A God with 0 worshippers.
Quentin frowned his forehead, and retorted:
Q – That's not true. There is a 1 above your head since the moment I met you.
Cl – Yeah I know but it's because … Say that again.
Q – There is a one above your head.
Cl – Are you sure ?
Q – Yes.
Her face was really close to Quentin's, who replied :
She ran to a mirror which was in a corridor. She looked at her reflection and saw it. There was a tiny one, written in a spiritual number, above her head. She became surprised, depressed, happy, angered at the same time and she finally let out a loud :
She jumped in the corridor, spun and clapped her hands while singing that she was the best. Quentin was looking at it with a dubitative eye, wondering if The Guardian became crazy or totally insane, he wasn't sure. She stopped in a trice, as she realized that she didn't know the identity of her worshipper. She turned towards Quentin and said :
C – We have to discover his identity right now !
Q – So in theory, it's the only person or soul who can see you, I am right ?
Cl – Indeed I can't wait to … Hold on a second.
Clara glanced at the soul for a while, and slowly murmured :
Cl – Since you're able to see me …
Q – Wow … You did take your time to figure it out !
Cl – Damn …
Q – Seems like you're happy ! If you want I can forget about you and …
Cl – No ! No !! Let's celebrate it !! Let's go.
Clara caught Quentin by his hand and led him to the exit. She was almost running with all she had and the soul had trouble following the God. He shouted:
Q – Hold on !!! Where are we going ?
Cl – It's obvious … Home !
Q – You're not living here ?
Cl – With that bunch of punks ? Of course not !
A group of Gods were walking on a path near a river. They noticed Clara and started to make fun of her :
? – Oh looks like the God of nothing is with someone.
? – She might beg him to worship her … Poor child!!
Clara stopped. She released the hand of Quentin and stared at the group of idiots. The Sky became grey and the wind blew around our heroine, transforming into a massive tornado. She pointed out her finger at the thugs and cried :
She put Quentin on her shoulder and went back to her walk. The thugs were frozen. Abruptly, one questioned the others :
? – She said … She had one worshipper … Right ?
? – Indeed …

Many Soul reapers were walking into a devastated land. They were caring souls in their back. Usually, they would have already eaten them. They are working alone, but this time, they were acting as a group. The ground was covered by a grey dust and the moon's mouth was drooling green liquid. They arrived in front of a giant reversed pyramid, with a stair leading to its entrance. The pyramid was made of bones, and no one could explain from where they coming from. Once inside, they put the souls on an altar, which was enlighten by a weird light coming from the top of the pyramid. There was someone sat in a throne made of human's skulls. He had a very thin body; he had tentacles escaping from his back. He lifted his arm and all the souls exploded in an enormous amount of particles, releasing loud screams of pain and agony. The monster absorbed the particles and let escaped a moan of pleasure. He cracked his neck and then declared :
? – I can feel it … It's near us … Once it's yours … We will open the Forbbiden Path to Earth and finally, we will hunt our favorite meal ... Souls directly taken from a human body !
The Soul Reapers In front of him raised their arms, proclaiming the wise words of this strange being. Next to him, there was a corpse shown as a trophy. It was in a very poor state; its face couldn't be recognized. The only thing noticeable was its purple hairs.

Cl – Welcome in your new home.
Q – Wow …
It was a little estate where everything was purple. It had a huge amount of purple flowers which were still closed, and the house was a giant manor with approximately ten floors. Quentin, without any warming, started to run towards and once he attained the flowers, they opened, revealing that there was a little smiling skull inside each one. They started singing the name of the Guardian of souls. The little soul was filled with wonders. The trees were hanging from left to right, and their purple leaves fall from it.  Once hitting the floor, each one of them transformed into a little cat, and they ran to greet the newcomer in Clara's domain. The Guardian whistled to make them go back to their tree. She showed him the way to the inside. A Butler greeted them with a formal:
? –Welcome home … Master.
Cl – Hello Philister. I'm glad to be back.
Q – You've a butler ?!
Cl – He's like a father to me.
Q – Are you Bruce Wayne ?!
Cl – What are you talking about? I'm way cooler and stronger than Bruce Wayne. Right Philister ?
P – Indeed.
The Butler took the jacket of his mistress and went to the kitchen. The soul observed him leaving the room. Once they were alone with Clara, he interrogated her about the nature of the butler:
Q – He's …
Cl – He's a God. He was very young when my father was nominated as a Supreme God.  He had only a few worshippers so he couldn't be an important God. My father offered him a job as my guardian.
Q – It's a nice a story but it doesn't answer my ….
Cl – He's the God of ironing.
Q – Oh … I see … Might be not efficient to fight a soul reaper.
Cl – Indeed … But at least he can iron their clothes.
Q – You're mean with him.
Cl – I know. That's why I like myself so much.
She proposed him to show him his room, which was surprising since he didn't asked for one to begin with and even if he did, it couldn't be ready in this short amount of time. Quentin was a curious being, it was his main defect, and so he visited each room of the house, even the ones he shouldn't.
Each room was made in a different style: One was gothic, one was Japanese and another was the modern type. Quentin was curious and asked :
Q – Did you paid for this ?
Cl – What ? of course not. I created it.
They were arrived at his room. It was located in the last floor, but for some reason Quentin didn't feel tired after walking all those stairs. She opened the door and what he saw was astonishing.

Gr – WHAT ?
Gradis was in his office, which was in the central tower of the castle. The thugs from earlier were explaining what Clara told them. He couldn't believe it. He hit his desk with his fist and yelled :
Gra – Are you serious ? How could something like that happened ?! Nobody was supposed to see her !
? – She was with a little child.
Gra – A child … Well it looks I've to …
Dea – Why don't you let it go for once.
Gra – What ?
Death was leant against the door, smiling while looking at her brother who was really upset. She came next to him and pat his head while saying smoothly :
Dea – Don't act as a strict brother. It's just one little soul … It won't hurt anyone !
Gra – But …
Dea – Yes ?
Gra – No … Nothing ! Well … Just for a few days then ! We'll see how it evolves.
? – But a few moments ago you were saying …
The Thug left the office in a hurry while Death was containing her laugh. Gradis grumbled :
Gr – Being a God is not simple nowadays …

Quentin's room was full of video games and posters portraying his favorite football players.
The floor was made of bits, which were freely moving in it. The Soul looked at the guardian, who was observing him with her kind face. Once he was finished exploring the room, Clara asked him, out of the blue :
Cl – Do you want to be my assistant ?
Q – What ? For real ?
Cl – Of course … Since you're a homeless soul and my first worshipper … And also since I'm all alone … I was thinking about it.
Cl – Okay … Then come with me.
Clara was about to leave but Quentin seemed worried all of the sudden. He stopped her by saying :
Q – Wait  …
Cl – Hum ?
Q – Why are you so kind with me ? It makes no sense.
She glanced at him with tenderness and she responded :
Cl – Because you and I are the same. We're abnormalities. Black sheep in a enclosure full of white ones.
Q – Ahah …
Cl – So you've got your answer. Let's go now.
They came out from the house and walked to a little stone with words written on it. Quentin didn't understand it. He though it was some kind of Gods Language or something like that. Clara stopped near the rock, touched it with her hand. Her eyes were full of stars. She turned towards the souls and demanded, a tear flowing from her eye:
Cl – Can you touch the stone ?
Q – Why ?
Cl – Just do it for me.
His eyebrow furrowed, Quentin touched the rock. The empty area in front of them started to glow, a blue light escaping from it. A sign appeared on our man's right hand. He tried to brush it with his other hand but Clara stopped him, winking at him with her right eye. Suddenly, a voice echoed in the whole area, exclaiming:
? – Congratulation Clara, Guardian of Souls. You've got your first worshipper and so you've attained the rank of Titular God. As a present for your new role, here your own shrine .Bye.
The voice shut. A giant halo of light hit the middle of the area, and disappeared after a few seconds. They were looking at the little thing which appeared in the empty field. Clara slowly walked to it. It was a tiny shrine, made of a strange and glowing purple wood. Quentin, watched it with a disgusted look and made fun of it :
Q – They've strange taste … Giving a purple a shrine … What a …
The soul shut his mouth. Clara was holding the shrine in her hands. The god, that was usually the strongest of her pears, was literally crying like a baby. She was holding as if it was the most precious in the world. The guardian turned to the Soul and declared, while sobbing:
Cl – Thank you … Really.
Q – you don't need to.
Philister opened the door, knocked a bell and shouted:
P – I've prepared a little meal for the both of you!
Clara wiped out her tears and followed by Quentin, they went to her house. Philister noticed the little shrine and questioned, his face marked by his stupefaction:
P – What is …
Cl – I'll explain it to you inside.

After the dinner, Quentin was looking at the window. He was observing the giant arch made of stone, which was behind the house. Clara joined him and demanded:
Cl – Do you want to know what is this ?
Q – Yeah … For some reason I'm attracted to this … Please tell me more about it.
Clara noticed the green glowing eyes of Quentin. It was weird because in her memories they were brown. She didn't pay much attention to it and she replied :
Cl –It was a door that allowed the Reaper's to have a physical body on Earth.
Q – What ? But they do travel on Earth right ?
Cl – Yeah they use a door that can't permit them to attack humans, they can only assault souls. Humans can see them but they can't be harmed by them.
Q – Wow … But it seems broken now.
Cl – Indeed … My ancestors sealed the energy of the door into a stone, after a long battle with the Reapers. The stone was named the World Stone. It was a beautiful green stone; its energy could provide energy for an eternity. The Supreme god was its guardian.
Q – Hold on … It is the Stone…
Cl – Yeah it's the one I lost. It was training with my dad and after he hit me … I lost control and I destroyed the half of the castle, including the house were was hidden the stone and where the leader's of the Soul Reaper, Katarsis , was jailed.
Q – And so he went in a rampage …
Cl – He abducted me and my dad saved me … But in the fight the stone broke and the energy disappeared in an unknown place. And my dad … Well you already know about that.
Q – What happened to Katarsis ?
Cl – I don't know … My dad and him fall into a rift they created during their fight … I don't know about his whereabout.
Q - … I …
Cl – It's okay. I'm just glad I was able to talk to you about it.
Q – Yeah … I might be young in appearance by in mind I'm older. So when you feel the need, you can come and talk to me.
Cl – Thanks …
Q – About Katarsis … Was he … really monstrous?
Cl – He was … something that couldn't be named. He killed so many gods, he tortured them. He killed children in front of their parents. He murmured humans and he devoured their peaceless souls. He even killed 3 Supreme God. He was as old as our world. He was the first Soul Reaper.
Q – He won't come back right ?
Cl – I hope not … or we'll be doomed.

Clara and Quentin stayed here, staring at the giant arch, a testimony of an old time.

Part I Over.

Link for the next part : Part 2

Theme :
Cough Syrup - Young the Giant

Hey Ya - Obadiah Parker

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