Posted by : Maxime Hamon jeudi 20 août 2015

La 2ème partie.

A few days passed since that moment, Gradis was looking at the vegetation outside the castle. Many flowers were stained with black marks and they were slowly dying. He had a worried look, thinking:
Gra – Their influence are gaining over our part of the world … Troublesome.
Screams for the other side of the garden interrupted him in his thought. Gods were reunited at the entrance of the forest. He walked to it and saw something unbearable, even for the toughest god. His sister was carrying an injured God, Kratos, The God of Warriors. He rushed to her side and asked, while helping her to stood up:
Gra – What happened?
De – They ambushed us in a pit … They took four of us … They almost caught us but thanks to my power we could run away …
Gra – Damn … How did they …
De – I don't know … They were waiting for us ..
Gra – I must warn Tranos about this.
Dea – Convince him. We must send Clara … Or we'll lose …
The mob of gods around them started to whisper. Gradis took a quick glance around him and claimed :
Gra – Don't worry … ! We won't lose against them ! I've the situation under control ! I'm going to talk with the Almighty God. The reapers are still confined in their area.
Death was glaring meanly at her brother who ignored her and went with a determined walk at the castle. He locked himself in his office and nobody could disturb him for the rest f the day. Death was in the infirmary, she was looking at an old photograph of her family and she whispered :
Dea – Daddy … Help us …. What do we have to do …

A family was trying to run away in the dark alley of the city. It was composed by a woman and a child, with also the soul of a man. They arrived in the park. They were running out of breath. The man was carrying the child on his back while the woman was desperately calling for help. All of the sudden, a beast appeared behind them. It had the form of a panther but it was covered by eyes and it had 3 tails. It said while coming closer to the family:
? – Too bad I can't eat the whole family for now … But don't worry, I'll enjoy the taste of the man and once it'll be ready … I'll come for you.
The Panther jumped from her position and was about to hit the man, who was protecting the child and the woman despite he was a soul. But someone stopped the beast in mid-air and sent it flying in the lake close to them. The Family searched around them but they didn't find anyone. There was someone. But they couldn't see her. It was Clara. Quentin was observing the scene from afar, hidden in a tree. The monster got out of the water and let out a big scream. But its rage, it created a little wind all around him who was blowing the grass and the trees. It shouted:
? – Well, well ! It's a pleasure to meet you Guardian of Souls !! You are very famous among us. None of us was able to defeat you ! But unfortunately for, I'm one of the strongest Reaper among our army. My name is Pahntera, and I'll be the one who will kill you.
The man asked the woman :
Man – Is he talking with someone we don't see … or ?
Woman – I don't know …
Clara didn't pay attention to it and replied:
Cl – Army ? I thought you were just a bunch of lonesome monsters.
Pan – It changed a while ago.
Cl – What do you mean?
Pan – Why should I explain this to someone who will be dead in a few seconds !!!
Pahntera unleashed an aura which destroyed all the lights in the park. They were totally in the dark. The family was so scared that they couldn’t control themselves, they were shaking like crazy. Clara snapped her fingers and a shield appeared around the 3 civilians, protecting them from the beast. She couldn't on her sight. But she was able to hear it. The sound of the water. The noise of the leaves. The breathing of the living beings. Then it was behind her, she heard his footsteps. She turned at 360 degrees and was about to draw her scythe but Pahntera surprised her with his and hit her in the belly, throwing her against a statue. She didn't has the time to recover, The panther attacked her. It hit her in the face, in the stomach and in the chest. The action was going so fast that Quentin had trouble following, the hits of Pahntera going at the speed of light. But when the Reaper thought he was about to win, The Guardian countered with a single jab, chucking it really high in the sky. She teleported and in a flash, she was above the monster. It tried to escape but he was defenseless once he was not in the ground and able to run away with his speed. Clara did a flip and hit the Panther with her leg with all of the strength, pushing it back to the earth in a very violent manner. The choc created a big hole in the ground and a giant shockwave. The beast was lying at the center of the hole, with all her bones being crushed. Clara slowly went back to Earth and took her scythe, ready to finish the Reaper. Next to him, she whispered:
Cl – You were strong.
Pan – You lie … I couldn't even scratch you … What?!
Among the reapers, they were a special kind who could see individuals in different colors. For them, Reapers were blue, Gods black, Humans whites and Souls red. But the soul he noticed was green. Without thinking, it used all his strength and dashed to the soul. It was Quentin, who was too surprised to react. The Guardian knew what it was about to do. She rushed to catch it. It was fast, way too fast. It was really close to her assistant. She screamed and used her full strength. She caught up to him and stopped it by driving it with her scythe. Its jaw was wide open and its saliva was drooling on Quentin's pants. Pahntera smiled, and then exploded in a thousand particles. The light went back and illuminated the park like it used to. The family, who kept their eyes closed during the battle, finally opened them and realized that the beast was gone. They tried to search for the savior but they couldn't see him. They were about to leave when the baby child:
? – It's a purple girl.
Woman – what ?
Man – He's still shocked … Like us … Let's go home.
They walked away. Quentin said while showing above Claring's head with his finger :
Q – Look ! the number !!
It changed from 1 to 2. Clara was so happy that she proposed to Quentin to celebrate it right away. Quentin was still dizzy from the shock of the attack but he agreed. She took his hand and said :
Cl – Before that .. I'll show you something nice.

Her and the soul were flying in the starry sky. She was carrying him in his back. He was enthralled by the view. It was as if he could touch the sky. Clara, smiling, declared in a smooth voice :
Cl – Humans don't know their luck to have such a beautiful view. My dad often took me here to watch the moon. He was in his own little world.
Q – What kind of person was your dad ?
Cl – Oh … He was someone that would do his best to help the others. He was respected, loved and admired by the other Gods. Even Tranos respected him.
Q – I see … and what was your relationship with him ?
Cl – He was … The most important person to me.  I wanted to be like him, someone who could protect and guide humans, souls and gods. Even though he knew I could harshly control my power, he was always nice to me. Comforting me when I was sad, like a human dad would do. Yeah that's it. He was the most human among the Gods.
Q – …
Cl - Before dying he said ….

? – Promise me one thing Clara. Never change. Always remain that bright clumsy little girl.
Her Dad stabbed by a dozens of tentacules. Kataris was sucked up by the rift behind them and he was screaming that he will kill the two of them. Clara's dad had trouble keeping his balance and blood was flowing from all over his body. Clara, crying, cried :
Cl – I'm sorry Daddy ! Please don't hate me ! Don't die.
? – It's not your fault. I love you from the bottom of my heart. And I won't die my little princess, I'll always remain here.
He touched her chest at the place where her heart was. He coughed blood, looked at his daughter one last time and he painfully mumbled :
? – Guide them ! Help your brother and your sister. Now Daddy is going to take a very long nap. Bye.
Clara's Dad jumped and so He was hovered up by the rift. Clara tried to catch his hand but it was too late and once her dad passed through the rift, it closed. She remained motionless for a few minutes and then her sadness overcame her. She cried like she never did before, the Earth was shaking, Flowers were dying, Clouds were crying above her. That day was the end of everything she wished for.

Q – I'm sorry.
Cl – You don't need to. That's life. As I said that's my punishment.
Clara went down and they started to fly above the lake. Quentin touched the water with his hand and he could see his reflection in the water. He noticed that he was surrounded by a green aura. He rubbed his eyes and when he opened them again, the aura was gone. Suddenly, a strange bird startled him. It was translucent and it had a little trail of white powder behind it. They were now surrounded by them. Quentin tried to touch them but as soon as he reached them, it disappeared.  Clara amused, explained :
Cl – They're creatures which are spending the summer on Earth and Winter in the Afterworld.
Q – They're like me.
Cl – what do you mean ?
Q – They're empty shells … No … We are empty shells. It's as if I'm a newborn creating a new life.
Cl –Don't you remember anything?
Q – I've flash from time to time. Faces, but I don't know who they are. Colors, but I don't know to what they belong. Memories, but I don't know if they're mine. But hey … It's not like they miss me or something like that.
Cl – You don't know.
Q – Yeah I don't …
Cl – Maybe that's because you're a special kind of soul.
Q – What ?
Cl – Well you can touch my scythe without being harmed. And the fact that you don't have memories from your previous life, that's unusual.
Q – Why me ? I didn't get anything in return.
Cl – You've just didn't find it yet that's all !
Q – Okay … I was wondering … You're the Guardian of Souls so maybe you know what …
Cl – Oh we're arrived.
They were getting closer to the door. Clara's eyes became bright and full of purple energy. The Door opened, and cleared the path to the Afterworld. She speed up and they went through the door as fast as they could.

Gradis was waiting for them in the other side. He had a very tired look. Clara, who was worried, questioned:
Cl – Are you okay ?
Gra – Yeah … I was just waiting for you to come back …
Cl – You want to tell me something ?
Gradis glanced at his sister. He couldn't spilled out the words. Two or three times, he was on the verge of saying it and then changed his mind at the last moment. Clara started to be impatient and he finally said :
Gra – Sorry … I just had a talk with the Supreme Gods … It was very rough … We talked about the Reapers progression.
Cl – Are they going to help us ?
Gra – I hope so … I hope so.
Cl – That's all ? Are you hiding something from me ?
Gra – No … By the way your sister finally got out of the infirmary.
Cl – That's cool.
Gra - … Yeah …
Cl - …
Gra - …
Cl – I've to go so …
Gra – Oh Yeah right … You've to celebrate your new worshipper with your assistant.
Cl – How do you …
Gra – I'm your brother so of course I know about it. Congratulations.
Cl – Thank for you … For you it means a lot to me. Sorry I've to go.
Clara waved at Quentin and they started to leave the castle when Gradis finally pronounced:
Gra – You know … even if I'm rude with you … with Death you're the most important thing to me … What I did … I didn't mean to hurt you … I just wanted to protect you … Looks like I was wrong from the start. Dad will be disappointed from me, as always.
Clara stopped. Quentin took a peek to see Gradis' face. He had a depressed look and the dark rings under his eyes were showing his tiredness. Clara answered:
Cl – You did that for the best … Right ?
She didn't wait for his reply. She got out of the castle as fast as she could. Quentin had trouble following her. Once outside, she halted. She looked at the sky and murmured :
Cl – why now ? What are you hiding from me ?
Gradis, still inside the castle, looked at his hands and whispered :
Gra – When will I be able to do things right ?

Clara was drinking in her rocking-chair. Quentin came out of his room, went downstairs and once arrived in the living room, he sat near her. He demanded :
Q – Are you drinking alcohol?
Cl – You're the FBI ? Of course I am.
Q – It's a Lime Diabolo right ?
Cl - … Yeahhh …
They remained silent for a while. Quentin, who was curious I already said that, questioned:
Q – Why don't you take a break ?
Cl – A break ? I can't they need me.
Q – I mean, once everything is over. Don't tell me that they don't have someone to take over your role just for a few days. You've to think about you from time to time.
Cl – I don't know … It's always been like this you know. I'm used to it.
Q – Liar.
Cl – What ?
Q – I know what you think. You want to discover your world. It's a shame. You're the strongest individual in the world and you don't even what is outside your house. You're living in the afterworld, where everything is extraordinary.
Cl – … I can't go alone … I'm afraid.
Quentin glared at the girl in front of her. For the first time, he saw her weak. He decided to reassure her right away :
Q – I'll come with you.
Cl – What ? But … You don't want to make research about your precious life ?
Q – Maybe I'll get the answers to my questions during our trip … or maybe not. I don't know … Well I'm pleased with my new life so it's okay if I don't get them now. I can wait.
Cl – Okay … So … Once everything is settled with the reapers, we'll go on our …

A huge pressure interrupted them. Clara didn't felt a pressure like that for maybe a decade, or even more. Quentin had trouble staying conscious, and he finally passed out. Clara jumped from her chair, took her scythe and got out of her house. Outside, there was a group of Gods clothed in leather suits waiting for her. Among them, he was here. The Almighty God, Tranos. He was looking straightly at her, with a strict impassible glance. His presence was strong enough to pressure the whole area. The leaves were forced to fall on the ground and the trees were broken by it. Even his subordinates had a hard time standing still. You could read it on their face, which were wet because of their sweat.
Clara, who wasn't disrupted by it, questioned :
Cl – What do you want, Oh Tranos the Almighty god ?
He was touching his long beard with his right hand. He replied :
T – You're quite formal Clara today. The last time we saw each other, you called me an old hag … If I remember well.
Cl – It was a long time ago. Now you're just an old moron.
T – You haven't changed one bit. Hum … It comfort me in my decision to keep you as an unknown God … Well it was.
Cl – Hum … The fact that I've two worshippers is the real problem? Don't you have bigger priorities ? Like the Reapers getting closer to our home.
Tranos moved closer to her. He was a few millimeters from her face. He was staring right into her eyes, making her feels uncomfortable. He went backwards and declared :
T – You're the main problem. I can let such an irresponsible God having worshippers. You're an abnormality. Something that shouldn't have existed and because of you, The Reapers almost gained the World stone. I can't erase you, I can't locked you up but …
He looked at her house. Quentin was at the door. The Almighty put his hand in the Soul's direction and expressed with a perverted smile :
T – I can erase the things that you hold dear !!
He shot an energy ball at Quentin but Clara deflected it with her scythe. Her hairs turned into purple flames. The last time she felt so angry was when she saw her brother being badly injured by a Soul Reaper. Cracks were appearing the ground and a strong blast of air was blowing the area. The gods who were accompanying Tranos couldn't resist it and they were projected outside the Garden. Tranos was smirking. He cracked his fingers and asked :
T – Do you know what kind of punishment is given to the likes of you who are attacking a Supreme God ?
Clara, full of rage, replied in an abrupt manner :
Cl – I hope it's the same as the one for the Gods who are attacking a defenseless soul.
T – Tsss.

Gradis was on top of the castle. He was glaring at the ground. His eyes were empty and he was hanging from left to right. Death, totally in panic, came to him and shouted :
Dea – What happened?
The God of souls didn't move an inch. He returned :
Gra – I … I'm just worthless. I let them hurt my sister … I don't deserve to live.
Gradis moved and was about to jump from the roof but Death caught him before he could do so. She slapped him twice and cried, in a hysterical state :
Dea – Don't you think she need that ? The loss of her brother ?
Gra – But I …
Dea – You nothing ! For once, we're going to do what we should have done from the start ! Support her ! We won't run away this time.
Gradis' eyes suddenly became alive again. He punched himself, took a deep breath of fresh air and said :
Gra – You're right … Let's …
A loud thunder clap covered his voice. It was bright black thunder. It was a bad omen in the world of Gods, it was the sign of a conflict between two powerful gods. Gradis knew right away. He took his sister by her arm and they hurried to the stairs. Death asked :
D – Where are we going ? We're powerless !
Gra – I don't care ! We're a family ! She needs us !

Tra – He was the one who deceive you.
Tranos and Clara were face to face in the sky. A giant storm was surrounding them. Clara rispoted :
Cl – If he did …. He didn't do it on purpose. He might be a narcissic idiot but he's my brother, he wouldn't deceive.
Tra – I'm surprised that you've a bit of confidence in the man who, on my order, forbid you from becoming a real God.
Cl – He thought it was for the best. Of course I'm angry at him but did he have any other choice ?  No thanks to you. You're mad.
Tra – Only a half of myself is mad.
Cl – What ?
Tra – I'm sick of talking ! Let's fight !
Black flames spread from the Almighty God's hands. He formed a giant black dragon who was roaring at our heroine. He threw it at Clara who dodged them easily. She dashed to him and tried to slash him with her scythe. He stopped it with his right hand and punched her back with his left one. Clara took the hit, but it was as if it did nothing. She hit back with her fist, right into the jab of the Almighty god. A tooth flew from his mouth. He snapped. His Black flames intensified and quickly surrounded his whole body, becoming his aura. Clara wasn't impressed one bit. But she was intrigued by his black aura. She questioned him about it :
Cl – It's quite unusual for a God to have this kind of power.
Tra – Well I'm the Almighty God. I've to be unusual.
He punched in the air, and a giant burst of black flames came from his hand and charged at Clara. She wanted to protect herself with her scythe but Gradis appeared on her right. She thought he was about to attack her and she was ready to receive any attack but he did nothing, it was a stratagem and so Clara forget about the upcoming flames. She took it the whole move. It created a big black explosion which scattered the clouds. Gradis and Death, who just arrived, could only witness the terrible moment. Tranos was observing now the giant puff of smoke. He murmured :
Tra – Now I've complete freedom to … Hum ?
He noticed a purple light. His eyes were wide open because of the shock. Clara was still here. It was as if nothing happened, except for the fact that she had a little bruise on her cheek. Now the blade of her scythe was two or three time bigger, being full of energy. Clara, in a solemn tone, claimed :
Cl – It's time for you to be judged, Dear Supreme God, by the Guardian of souls.
She made a quarter circle with her scythe. It created a giant purple slash, which cut the sky in half. Tranos remained motionless for a few seconds, and then he fall from the sky. Clara rushed to save him and stopped him. She went back to Earth and put him on the ground. He opened his eyes and asked :
Tr – What … Happened?
Cl – My attack sliced through your soul … Don't worry It won't left any sequel on your body. But I'm surprised by your quick recovery.
The Almighty, now powerless, looked around him. It was as if he was discovering everything. He then turned his head to Clara and weakly whispered :
Tr – Sorry … I couldn't control my own body .. Thank you.
Cl – What do you …
He passed out, and the black flames from earlier escaped from his body to form a big black ball above them. Everybody didn't know what to do, it was the first time they saw something like that. Clara was staring at it, she was shaking. She saw it somewhere, but she couldn't remember where. It was engraved in her body. It was something linked with her past. The ball moved in the area and it stopped above Gradis. Clara tried to warn him but it was too late. The orb exploded and surrounded Clara's brother. It was enveloping and penetrating his body. He was in pain. Black vein were appearing on his body. Death tired to help him but the flames were preventing her from doing anything. Gradis finally let out a final scream, full of pain, distress, rage and hatred. The flames were gone but now he had black marks surrounding his eyes and black tattoos all over his body. Death asked :
D – A … Are you okay ?
He took his time to answer. He checked his body, from head to toe. He condescended to reply :
Gra – I've never felt so alive.
He looked at Clara, who was still near Tranos. His face became disfigured by the rage. He yelled at her :
Gra – What have you done ?
Cl – I …
Gra – Shut up ! You've attacked a supreme God ?! Don't you think you've brought enough shame on our family ? All our misery was because of you.
For Clara, it was as strong as a deadly blow. It was the worst thing that could happen to her. She quarreled countless time with him but still, he was her brother. But she kept her composure and she riposted:
Cl –You're not yourself ... You need medical exa …
Gra – I'm perfectly fine ! And you know what ? I'm going to act for once ! I won't be a fucking coward !!  You're banished from this land !! You're not the Guardian of Souls anymore … You're nothing … you're TRASH ! I said it !!
D – Gradis !! What are you saying ?! She's our sister !!
Cl – Shut up !! She's not my sister. She's a monster, a mistake for our family.
Clara didn't give any response. She put her scythe in her back. She faced Quentin and murmured :
Cl – Looks it's time for our trip.
Q – what ?! But …
He couldn't continue when he saw the Guardian's face. She had trouble containing her tears. He decided to remain silent. Gradis ordered Death to watch over Clara's departure since she could only bring a few necessities with her, and then, without saying a word to his sister, he left. Clara picked only a few things, she asked Philister to watch over the house while she was away. Death held her sister in her arms and then said :
D – If you need anything. Send a message to Philister and he will deliver it to me.
Cl – Thank …
D – I'm so sorry … I don't know what to do anymore …
Cl – Watch over him … and tell me if anything happens.
Clara patted the head of her sister and she left, in company of Quentin who took a last look at the house where he thought he would be at home.
Gradis was looking at a mirror. He couldn't see his reflection but there were two red eyes in the mirror. He screamed :


Part II end.

Link for the next part : Part III

Theme :
Cough Syrup- Young the giant.

Hey ya - Obadiah Parker

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