Posted by : Maxime Hamon vendredi 22 avril 2016

As I walked into the snow
I wondered how long it has been since that day
About how long I've waited before paying a visit.
Maybe it's because i've lost my way in the darkness of my heart.
I remember watching her blue eyes
Wondering how she could find something beautiful inside me.
Each time she looked at my being
I felt like it was important to someone
I felt bliss, joy, my life was like our world, colorful.
But because of my cowardice
Or perhaps because I was to sinful to be happy.
A vengeful ruler striked the one I held dear with his despicable hands
Someone that stole everything from me.
I was snowing that day, she liked snow.
She Said it made feel like she was eternal in our tormented world.
I believed her, thinking it would last forever.
I was a naive being back then, someone that used to be in love.
I was snowing that day, she liked snow
But no matter what, no matter how Hard it tried
I couldn't cover the blood that was spreading around her body
It couldn't cover my sadness, my despair.
Maybe I deserved it.
Maybe that why, now that I'm older, I'm helping others to get back their lost love.
Now that I'm once again at the fateful place where she left me.
I remember, I remember how much she liked to call me by this nickname
And it was ... Doctor Love.

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