Posted by : Maxime Hamon mardi 28 octobre 2014

We're in a public garden during one of those long auntumn afternoon, Childs were playing, Couples were kissing, Old people were holdings hands, watching their grandchildren playing in a sand box. In the middle of all these people, a girl was sitting on a bench. She seemed to be sad, really sad. She was looking around her every 10 seconds, probably waiting for someone or something, But it never came.
As she was sighing, a witch appeared near her and asked :
- "Why the long face Young lady ?"
Frightened, the girl screamed and jumped from her seat. The Witch wasn't surprised by that reaction and said :
- "I didn't know I was that ugly !"
The young girl took a deep breath and answered :
- "You're not ugly ! You've just scared me to death !"
The Witch smiled, bit her lips and said on a malicious tone :
- "You haven't told me why you look so sad".
The Young girl glared at the Witch for a few seconds, then answered while taking a look at the sly :
- "That's none of your business !"
- An unexpected dark response ...  you know ... I can make you happy in the twinkling of an eye !"
the young girl responded quikcly :
- Don't make me laugh .... Like hell you could do that !
The Witch hid her face behind her gigantic hat, and whispered
- Yeah ... I Do.
In the snap of a finger, she made the Girl disappeared, and Nobody noticed it. The Witch stood up, looked aroud her, and thought :
- Hope she won't make them mad ... well she'll be fine !

When the girl woke up, she was dressed in white, in the middle of a forest ... (Well we can consider that's the middle of nowhere). She stood up, looked around her and said kindly :
She yelled at the witch for probably 10 minutes, until she realized that It would lead to anything. She checked her cellphone, it was broken. She decided that exploring in the forest was a good idea and so she began her walk.
After crossing the road of two squirrels who were probably mating, she found herself in the front of a bridge above a river. Next to it, a man in green was sleeping, she came closer to him, and awoke him with a gentle blow on his forehead.
He looked at her with a tired face, and asked her :
- What are you doing here young lady?
- Well I'm kind of ... Lost and I was hoping that you could tell me where I was.
The man in green stood up, yawned a bit, adjusted his suit and asked :
- You're the sad girl right ?
the girl took a step back, surprised by the fact that the suited man knew her identity, she answered :
- Yeah ... Even though I didn't know I looked that sad ... That's strange but ... I don't even know why I'm sad ... I know I'm supposed to feel this way .. But I forget why ... By the way, why are you asking me that ?"
- The Witch ordered me to make you happy.
- Oh ... That's not necessary I ...
- Shhhh !!! Look at this !!!
The Man in Green opened his arms, and a tons of banknote fell around the two of them, like a sudden rain. The River became gold and the trees started to shine like diamonds. the Girl was stunned by this. The Green Suited Man, proud of his trick, told the girl :
- Wealth can make you happy. You'll be rich and you'll never lack of anything ! Bettencourt would be a puppy compared to you. And more importantly, you'll never fear poverty.
The young girl looked at the bills which were still falling in her hands, she crumpled them and threw them away in the river, she looked at the Green man and retorted :
- Wealth can make you happy for a while... That's a fact ... But I'll never heal you from your loneliness.
- What ?
- You're alone It's easy to guess... It lead you become the loneliest person in the World ... That's why you need more and more money ... To make up for that gap. And I don't want to be like that ... Sorry ... But Wealth won't make me happy Green man.
- .... Well I guess you've a point.
And the Green Man disappeared.
The Girl thought it was a magic trick and waited for him. But the more she waited for him the more she starting to think that she killed him. Then in an act of bravery, she ran away to avoid the cops, which was a good idea.

As she was running deeper in the forest, she met a man in white, who was reading a book, his back leaned against a tree. She tried to talk to him but he didn't pay attention to her, too busy reading. So she tested an another approach :
- What kind of book are you reading ?
The White Suited Man looked up from his book, and uttered with a sigh :
- Something that a girl like you can't understand.
She was outraged by his anwser, and responded that :
- I may be a fool but you're an ass !
The White Suited Man closed his book, the girl stood firmly as if she was ready to fight him, he examined her with a gaze, from her hairs to her toes and said :
- So you're the Sad Girl ! The Witch told me you were a tough one ... Looks like the Green man turned out to be a fool ... Well I'll try to rectify his mistake !"
- He wasn't a fool ... He just tried to make me happy ....
- That's what I'm trying to do too !
- Oh not ag ...
The Man opened his book. Suddendly Knowledge took form, it was everywhere. Words was flying around the girl, History was reflecting on the trunk of the trees, Maths ... Maths ... Were ...
(There wasn't any maths, lets forget about Maths, It didn't exist right ? I said it didn't exist. So ... Where was I ... Oh Yeah)
 ... and also forms of knowledge that humanity didn't even discovered yet were coming alive in front of her.  The White Suited Man held out his book to her as he was saying :
- That's how I'll make you happy ! Knowledge is everything. You'll know everything and you'll be able to surpass any savant, any erudite. What do you think about it ?
The girl was glaring at all that knowledge which was living around her, growing around her, trying to overflow her, She took a deep breath and simply rejected it, and replied :
- It's a great gift. But I can't accept.
- Why not ? You'll be the smartest people in the world ! You'll have the answer to every question in the whole universe.
- What's the point in being the smartest people in the world ... and cannot be able to share it with someone ? And also make the one you trully care look pitful around you?
The White man was astonished, he tried his earnest to find an anwser that could denied her statement but ... He didn't find it. He closed his book, looked at her and said, in a very calm manner :
- For the first time in my life, I'm speechless ... You can go one and I hope the next suited man will help you with your sadness.
- I don't think he will.
- Never say never young lady.
And The Whitehall Man Disappeared.
She ran away again, while screaming this time.

After 1 hour she found herself in front of a church, as she was trying to recover from her exhausting run she thought :
- I hope a clerk will atone for my sins !
She opened the door, and found out that there wasn't any clerk in that church, but a man in yellow surrounded by a dozen of pretty girls, lied in a huge couch, under a picture of himself.. She Stared at him, he winked at her, she said :
- Can someone save me from that twisted world ? I'm starting to get insane.
- That's mean ! Especially for the one who is going to make you ... happy ! Right girls ?
the girls screamed simultaneously :
- Yeah Yellow suited man.
the girl said in a mean way ;
- To me you're the worst of the worst ! the bottom of the bottom !
-Calm down lovely lady.
The Yellow suited man stood up, his suit wasn't even hiding his hairy torso, which was disgusting for the girl. He came just in front her, Put himself at her size and whispered :
- I'll be the one to make you happy !
- By sending me home ?
- No ! Stop with the nonsence !
- Damn ! So close !
He clapped his hands and yelled :
- By giving you the Power of ... Beauty !
- Okay now I can tell you're totally crazy.
Everything went blurry and pink around her. The pretty girls started to dance around the Yellow suited man, who was shaking his hips in a sexy manner, looking at the girl with lust. He came closer to her and said :
- With my power everyone will kneel in front of you, you'll rule over the world. You can even lead it to it's own destruction, for your pleasure. And also you'll never be alone !
He clapped his hands again, and two beautiful men appeared in front the girl, The Yellow man smiled and said :
- With me by your side, They won't be out of touch ! They'll be the one you seduce ! You'll find someone you truly deserve !
- Are you saying that without you I can't found someone suited for me ?
The Yellow suited man was surprised by her question and tried to answer her :
- No but Beauty can bring better possibility and ...
- So physique is all that matter for you right ?
- Herm ... Let me think a bit ...
- That's not needed ... I've already made my view about you.
- Oh ... So ... Do you choose me as your power ?
- Sorry but ... I can't choose someone who consider that physique is everything ... It's true that i'm not the prettiest girl in the world and that I often get dump by many guys ...
- But if you choose me they won't dump you.
- However ... I won't change myself, because deep inside me .... I think that for some reason ... I would betray someone dear to me if I choose to follow you in that path ...
- I see ...
- But your efforts wasn't meaningless ... Thanks to you I realised that even if he's not that pretty ... He's the one who understand me the most.
- He ?
- What ?
- You've just said "he".
- Oh .... But who is that "he" ?
- Maybe you'll find out with the next suited man.
And the Yellow Suited disappeared. The dozen of women started to yelled at the girl, claiming she was a murderer. So, to proove that she wasn't one, the girl said :
- Look at the window ! A fairy !
The women looked at the window. The girl used that opportunity to run away.

- He ... Why did I say that ? I don't even remember having someone !
- Are you lost too ?
The Girl stopped. She turned over and found out that a child in a suit was following her. It was a relief that It wasn't something worse. She got in her knee to be at his size and asked him :
- Yes I am.
- Oh you look really sad.
- ... Yeah ... Wait a second ... Why are you wearing a suit ?
- I'm a suited man. The Orange one.
- Do you also want me to be happy ?
- ... Kind of ... But I'm too young to force you.
- I see.
The Girl sat on the grass, the young suited man did the same. They were silent for a few minutes and then the Orange suited man asked :
- Why do you want to go back ?
The Girl looked at him, laugh, and replied :
- Because I belong there. I'm not from your world you know.
- But how can you be so sure that someone is waiting for you ?
The Girl found herself dumb. He has a point. What's the meaning of going back if she has no memories of someone waiting for her ? Maybe that "he". But what if it was a creation of mind ? What if she went back, she found out that she's alone ?
As she was having those wicked thought, the boy said :
- You know ... You can be selfish too ... You can stay her ... Start a new life ... I can grant that. They don't even tried to save you. They left you here .. If "they" exist of course. But if you stay here ... You won't be alone !
The Girl's mind was a real mess as the boy's words were repeated in her head. The Boy stood up, he streched his hand to the girl and said :
- Stay with me, you'll never be alone. You can forget about that world of yours. I'll make you happy.
The girl saw his hand and was on the verge on grabbing it when she realized that, she wouldn't have the need of going back of there wasn't someone waiting for her. It might be that"he" or someone else, whatever, but now she was sure about it. She jumped on her feet and cried out :
- Nice try suited man Nice try ! But I won't fall for your trick.
The boy shook his head to deny it, claiming that she was wrong. The Girl said :
- Sorry but I can't be selfish, even if I want to. Someone is waiting for, out there and I can't let that person wait for me.
- So you're leaving me alone ?
- Now I'm not.
- But you're going back.
- Yes I am but you're coming with me.
- What ?
- Since you're an expression of me deepest fear ... Right ?
- Wow ... You're amazing ...
The Orange Suited Man disappeared.

The Girl was walking next to an another river, when she saw someone fishing. She walked straight to him, sat next to him. The Man, who was dressed in purple asked :
- Do you know who I am ?
- A suited Man ?
- That's easy to guess.
- Indeed.
A deafeaning silence set in between those two. After a while, the man asked :
- Do you like being here ?
- Yes I do. and what about you ?
- As you see I spend all my time fishing. So I enjoy being here.
- Why ? Don't you have any responsabilities ?
- To be frank ... I don't care about them.
- Really ? That's quite amazing. For myself I don't think I'll be able to do something like that.
The man laugh and answered :
- Well ... Just leave them behind you. Look at me, I'm here, fishing, I'm calm ... My worries faded away like the wind. I can tell I'm happier that way.
Suddendly Clouds appeared above them, they were grey, full of water, and rain started to fall. The Suited looked up, and said with annoyance :
- I'll make the fish flee ....
The Girl looked at the river, the drops of water were making it unclear. She said as the Suited Man was putting away his Fishing Rod :
- You're like those fish.
The Suited Man stopped, put his Fishing Rod on the grass and asked :
- Why ?
- The drops of water are your worries and you've fled from them ... Just like a Fish ... It's not that you didn't care about them ... You didn't know how to deal with them ... You're just a Coward ... Like me.
- I'm not a coward ... You don't understand ... My worries are way bigger than ...
- It isn't a matter of Bigger or smaller ... Every problem has an effect on your life ... They become bigger because you let them grow ... That's what I was doing ... Until now. I won't be a coward anymore. I'll handle my problems, face them, and solve them ... like a grow up.
The Purple Suited looked at her, smiled and said :
- I'm glad you've come to realize it.
And The Purple Suited Man disappeared. The Girl took the Fishing Rod, Broke it and threw it as she was saying :
- You won't need it anymore.

The girl was tired, she walked all day. Suddendly, the path she took separated in three different paths. She stopped, because she didn't which one she should take. A man appeared next to her, much to her surprise. He was wearing a Red suit with a long scarf that was touching the floor. The Girl wanted to tell him that his scarf was going to get dirty, but he was faster than her mouth and said :
- Don't worry It won't.
- What ? How did you know I was going to ..
- ... Say that ?
-  ... Say that ?! ... Are you mocking me ?
- I'm not, I'm just showing my ability. I can see the future.
- No kidding ?
- No kidding.
- Can you give me the number for the next lottery please ?
- Lottery ?
- Forget it.
- I 've already forgotten it. So ... I'm supposed to make you happy ...
- Yes you are.
- But I won't try.
- Why ?
- Because It will end like the previous one, I've already saw the future.
- But you won't know unless you try.
- What's the point ? I already see what's going to happen. I'm going to show you how far my power can be amazing but you'll find it's weakness and my own weakness at the same time.
The Girl Didn't find a good answer, she looked at the three path, had an idea and asked :
- What do you know about the future ?
the Suited man looked at the girl as she was the dumbest person in the world and replied :
- Well I do know everything about it ... It's determined.
- I don't agree.
- Why ?
- Because the future is like those three paths. The one you've just seen is only one possible future, and one decision can lead to 3,30, 300 and maybe billions of future.
- Is that true ?
- It is ... Yeah ... It is ...
- Is there Something wrong ?
- I've just figured out that ... The future can be changed ... It's not something that we can predict ... Even though I said that to comfort you ... It end up comforting me about someone for some reason.
- Then my failure wasn't meaningless ... Right ?
- No ... It's even the opposite ... Thanks suited man.
- Haha you're welcome ! And by the way, take the left path.
And The Red suited man disappeared.

She took the right path.When the night came, the girl was still in the forest, waiting for something or someone to make her escape from this world.
- Maybe I should have listened to him and take the left path ... No I can't rely on others anymore or he ... he ... I don't know.
She sat down, worned out by everything. Strangely she wasn't sad anymore, she was happy because she realized that even if that "he" wasn't that rich, that pretty, that smart, he won't left her alone. She was able face the future and for her problems, she understood that she shouldn't be afraid of them anymore.
She started to feel very sleepy, but she didn't want to rest, she wanted to find a way out of this place. As her eyes started to close, she saw 2 legs coming closer to her, then a torso, a neck and a face. Full of blue. She asked :
- Who are you ?
He knelt in front of her, and said :
- You already know. I'm He.
His voice was gentle, it was appeasing her. She asked :
- What are you doing here ?
- I've come to take you back.
- Why now ?
- Because it's the right time.
And then he hugged her.

As the girl was opening little by little her eyes, she saw 2 beautiful blue eyes. She Said :
- Blue ...
- Well I do know that my eyes are blue.
- Ow ... What ?
She pushed the boy, looked around her, she was back in the public garden. She stood up, clapped her cheeks and said :
- I'm awake ... It was a dream.
The man said :
- I know I was late but you shouldn't fell asleep in a place like this ... I was really worried that you didn't answer your phone.
- Sorry ... I was turned off for some reason.
- What kind of dream were you having ?
- An odd one.
- I see ...
The boy and the girl glared at each other. An odd atmosphere started to grow between, the boy what's about to her ask something but she interrupted him by saying:
- Oh First of all, you should wear a blue suit.
- Why ?
-  because you came at the right time.
- If you say so.
- ... and about yesterday question ... It's a Yes.

The Suited Man
The End

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