Posted by : Maxime Hamon lundi 9 mars 2015

Mon 3ème texte en anglais, j'espère qu'il vous plaira et je m'excuse d'avance pour ceux qui n'aime pas l'anglais.

A young woman was standing in front of a giant wooden door, at the entrance of a little building lost between gigantic skyscrapers. She noted that golden letters were written on it, making the word "Love". She thought that it was the doing of an eccentric person, but since she had been doing job hunting for the last few months, and that it was her last opportunity, she convinced herself that he might not be a bad guy and that she could give it a try. She looked left, then right. She took a deep breath, holding her bag against her chest and finally she slammed the door, which was strangely light for its size. It led her to an enormous waiting room, where the floor was covered with grass and you could see clouds wandering under the roof. At first she thought she was dreaming but then she deduced that it was a trick to appease the patient. While she was walking though the room, she saw that the left part of the room was a relaxation lounge, for adults, filled with pool and bars. Next to it, there was a playground for children, where they could play football and many others sports. The woman wondered about the size of the building, since in her memories it wasn't that big and she didn't expect to find so many things. She found herself in front of two doors, one red and the other blue. She put out of her pocket a piece of paper, where we could read "Convocation to an interview". She read it a few seconds. She finally figured out that she had to open the red one. She didn't even bother think about the fact that such thing was written on the paper. She knocked 3 times at the door and a voice said:
-Come in.
She opened the door. The Room was a little office, simply decorated with cinema posters. There were 2 desks in the room, one was an empty desk made of steel, and the other, made of wood, was the work place of a young woman, with wavy brown hair and a kind face. She was busy watching the monitor of her computer, grumbling against her game. The newcomer coughed two times to warn the office woman that she was arrived. The office woman raised her face, looked at the young woman and asked:
-You're here for the job, If I may say so ?
- Yes I'm …
-Olivia ? Right ?
- What ? How did you … ?
- He knows everything. I'm Arwen. His sister. I've the great pleasure to announce you that you're hired. You can put your stuff on this desk.
Olivia looked at Arwen for a few seconds, totally surprised and then she asked:
-But weren't we supposed to do an interview before that?
-You've already did it.
- I don't remember doing one.
- Oh yes you did. Do you remember the door at the entrance?
-The one I slammed and I think I kinda ... broke?  Yeah I do.
- Well it's kind of a …. How to put it … a Magic door which select the candidates when we're researching a new office worker. The wrong ones are sent to an another dimension for a few hours and then they wake up in their bed, with their memory washed from that moment.
Olivia fixed Arwen eyes to eyes, biting her lower lips, and totally impressed by the imagination of the office lady. Then she said:
-Well you've a big imagination but I'm think I'm going to call the Asylum.
- a girl entered before you right ?
- Yeah.
- Did she get out of this place ?
- Now that you mention it … She didn't.
- Now you've got your answer! Sit down please ! I feel an upcoming patient.
- What but I ….
A huge noise interrupted Olivia. She looked everywhere to find its origin. A screen appeared in the middle of the room between the two desks, coming from the floor, pushing Olivia against her desk. On the screen they could see a man sat in the waiting room. He had green eyes with blond hairs, and he was looking nervously at his phone. Arwen put out a micro from her desk and then said :
-Mister ?
The man on the screen searched around him, but he didn't find a clue of where the sound was coming from. Arwen switched off the micro with her hand and said to Olivia:
-I love to do that! I feel like I'm a kind of god.
Olivia replied, with a fake smile:
-Yeah … Right … Weirdo.
-I heard you.
-I said this room is really hot, can we switch off the heater ?
Arwen fixed Olivia, sighed and she switched on the micro again, saying to the man :
-You're late ! You were supposed to be here 2mn sooner.
The man rose his eyebrow and replied in a random direction :
-Sorry but I had to pack my car … Is it really a …
-It is ! Can you put on the clothes next to you ?
The man looked on his right. He could have sworn that those clothes weren't here before. It was winter clothes, suited to climb a mountain, next to it there was a huge bag. He asked :
-Is this really necessary? I'm here to cure myself … Not to climb something.
-It is or you'll die ! Put them on. And once you're done, go through the blue door.
-Okay ….
Arwen switched off the micro while the man was changing his clothes. Olivia was looking firmly at the monitor, the man was on the verge of taking off his shirt but Arwenn switched off the Tv. Then she told Olivia who was pissed :
-Now you're going to see you're first intervention of the Doctor.
-His what ? Isn't he supposed to be a doctor ?
- Well … Hum … Since I'm his sister … I can tell that he's something between a doctor and a madman! Now sit and see!

The patient, with now his anti-cold suit, walked to the blue door and after a moment of silence he opened it. He suddenly took a huge breeze in his face, and he found himself sank in the snow. A man was waiting on a chair, in the snow, reading a newspaper. He had a red hairs and a beard of the same color Totally scared, the patient wanted to go out of this hell but the door was locked. The man on the chair shouted :
-The door won't open you know.
-I was supposed to see a doctor ! Not to walk in the snow !
The man rose from his chair, moved toward the patient and said, putting his hand on his shoulder :
-Well I'm the Doctor so you're on the right place. So tell me about your problem ! You can sit there !
- But there is … What ?
Now there were 2 chairs facing each other. The Doctor sat on his, and the patient did the same on the 2nd one. The Doctor looked at him from feet to head and then declared :
-I'm listening ! And by the way call me Doctor Love … I make me feel like I'm short of a serial character … Like from Doctor House, Doctor Who and Grey's anatomy … Well act if I didn't mention the last one okay ?
-Okay …
-So now … let's talk about you.
The patient looked at the doctor, put his hands between his two knees and with a depressed voice, he said :
-Well … How to put it … I'd been with a girl for around 5 years and I was madly in love with her, I thought that she felt the same, and that we were going to spent the rest of our lives together … But a year ago she cheated on me. We broke up, she ended up with that guy and now I'm alone, depressed, without a friend. Because of her I threw them away. I think I'll never overcome that … I even thought of putting everything to an end.
The doctor was listening, without even taking a note. After a while, he rose from his chair and declared :
-Enough ! Let's climb that mountain.
-What ? But I can't do that !
Love looked at his patient. His eyes were cold like ice. He said bluntly:
-You want me to help you right ? That's what I'm doing so let's climb that mountain !
-Yeah but  …
-Then follow me ! And by the way … What is your name ?
-Oh heu … Jason.
-Okay Jason ! Let's go to a fantastic adventure!
Love turned his back and then walked towards the summit of the mountain. Pierre sighed while he thought that he was between the hands of a psychopath. He followed him without complaining. As they were walking in the snow, the wind was howling like a wolf. Suddenly he heard a voice. At first, he thought that it was a hallucination, but the voice got more and more louder. Jason stopped; He did recognize the voice of the girl who broke his heart. He looked everywhere around him, afraid of seeing the ghost of his past. Love stopped too, glanced at his patient, and asked :
-Is there something wrong ?
- Didn't … didn't you've just heard that voice ?
-Which voice ?
Love watched around him, close his left eyes, showing that he was thinking really hard, and then he said :
-I didn't hear anything.
Love turned himself towards the pit, putting out a ice-pick from his bag. Love showed to JAson that he had to do the same. He threw out the ice-pick from his bag while asking :
-Why are we using this ?
-To climb that.
Love used his finger to point behind him, there was a giant wall of ice. Love smiled, and he began to climb the wall. Pierre was looking at it, thinking it was meaningless and screamed :
-Why are we doing this ? And are you really a doctor to begin with ?
Love didn't answered at the beginning but after a few seconds he stopped, and said without looking at Jason :
-If I were you, I should hurry to climb that wall as fast as I can. And yes I'm a doctor !
-Why ?
-Because everything behind you is falling apart.
Jason suddenly felt an earthquake, and as he was looking behind his back, he saw the ground and the snow falling into a deep hole big as a country. He didn't take his time to think about it and rushed to the wall of ice, to climb with Love. As they were climbing the wall, the hole was growing larger and larger and soon it reached the wall, beginning to slowly devour it. Jason was watching it, afraid of dying here. He was trying to climb the wall as quickly as he could but his strength was leaving him while he was halfway to the top of the wall. His breath was heavy; his body was frozen by the harsh fangs of this cold environment. He even started to believe that his ex-girlfriend was trapped inside the ice, looking straight at him, with her black eyes. He looked toward Love who was glaring at him. The Doctor asked :
-Why did you stop ?
-I can't go on anymore … I'm just a burden to you.
-Who said that ?
-What ?
-You're going to give up on life just for that ? Just for a tiny obstacle ? Have you even thought that I could help you ?
Love throw a rope to Jason who caught it. Love yelled at him :
-Tie it around your waist !
Jason executed Love demands, but he noticed that the rope was loose. He tried to warn Love but when he saw the wall getting more and more eaten, he rushed to climb it, gaining more courage at each time he was hitting the wall with his ice-pick, as if he was facing his past and taking revenge on it. After many efforts, they've reached the top of the wall and so by extension, the top of the mountain. Jason took a little peak at the wall, it was still breaking down. Jason dashed to the Doctor, and said, in panic:
-Well … If we don't find a solution we're going to become a part of history, alongside the mountain !
-Don't rush things my dear, we're not done yet.
-Are you kidding me ? Because of you I almost died ! Hopefully you've helped …
-I didn't help you.
-Pardon me ?
-I just throw a rope, that's all I did. It just had a placebo effect on you.
-You've tricked me !
-No ! I showed you the way of how you should overcome things! Now you're all alone buddy !
The wind was howling even stronger than at the foot of the mountain. Clouds were black as the night and thunder was threatening our friends with his loud scream. A huge snow storm broke out and Jason lost sight of Love, the ground and then everything. He was surrounded by white, and he didn't dare to move, afraid of falling from the top of the mountain. Suddenly, he felt like something was moving behind him, he turned his back and saw it. It was right in front of him. Her. Staring straight at him, with the same cold look that she used when she told him the truth. He was shaking, his sight started to get blurry. He thought of everything, running away, jumping from the cliff and forgets about everything but an image appeared in his mind. His family, his friends who tried to help him overcome it, but he threw them away like garbage. Her voice and her words were flowing in his mind. "Useless", "Moron" or the sentence "He's way better that you'll ever be". He heard that sentence so many times when they last talked. He thought he would never hear it again. At that time, he just looked down, as she was leaving their flat after saying that destructive sentence. He grinned a long time, about how he should have answered; it had even haunted him during his nightmares. Now it was his chance to make up for his mistakes, for everything he did wrong. He took a deep breath, and then shouted as loud as he could. It was clumsy, weird but it was coming from the deepest part of his heart. When he stopped, the girl was staring at him, shocked and after a while, she fade away. Everything started to collapse. The wind stopped howling and the sky was breaking for some reason he couldn't even explain. And then he fall. It seemed like hours to him. And there was no trace of Love. Finally he hit the ground. At 1st he thought he was died, and then he noticed he could think so it meant that he wasn't dead. He was on a warm carpet, with the design of a famous movie from the 80's. The walls were covered with weird paintings of video games characters, hiding the wood made walls. Jason got on his feet, as Doctor Love was waiting for him at his orange desk, writing something. Love pointed out a chair in front of his desk; Jason walked to it and sat. Love continued to write while Jason was fixing him, questioning himself about the purpose of Love's doing. Love finally stopped to write, and gave the paper to Jason. He could read many words that he couldn't even understand, talking about his inner-self and that he was haunted by his past or something like that, but from the paper, he kept one sentence. It was written at the end of the paper, those 3 words : "You're cured". Jason looked at Love, puzzled. He asked :
-is that all ?
Love replied with a nonchalant self-confidence :
- It is ! Now you can go.
-Are you serious ?! You didn't even …
-I did. No need to thanks me. You've faced it by yourself.
-What ? By myself ?! Are you joking ?
-I'm not.
-I guess there no way I will get an explanation.
-I'm sorry but no you'll never.
-Hum … How much did it cost ?
-My secretary will give you the bill. I'm glad you've overcame it, I'm really happy for you. I hope I won't ever see you again … Because It will mean that you've found someone you've deserved. And that's what I want.
-It's very kind of you… Then I'm leaving … Bye.
Jason stood up, and then started to walked slowly toward the door. But halfway, he stopped, and asked :
-Was it a dream ?
-What ?
-The mountain, the wind, the voice … Was it a dream ?
-It's up to you.
- …
Jason, a bit disappointed by Love's answer, reached the door and opened it. He then paid the bill which wasn't that expensive and when he was outside the little house, he thought he should called his friends since he haven't seen them for a very long time. As he was running in the street, some snow fall from his pocket, and after touching the ground, it melts, like it has never existed.

Love slammed the door of the girl's office, screaming :
-Hey there my lovely office lady ! How are you today ?
-Fine and you. Your first patient was pretty easy today.
-Indeed he was.
Love looked at Olivia and asked :
-Who are you ?
-I'm your new secretary. I just got hired by Arwen.
- habla Espagnol ?
- Not really.
-Me neither. Welcome to your new workplace. I'm looking forward working with you !
-Me too.
Arwen interrupted the talk between the two new coworkers :
-Well a new patient is coming so get back to work, you lazy doctor !
-I'm not lazy … I'm just … different.
-That's the same ! Just go  !
After the doctor left the room, Olivia asked Arwen :
-The patient from earlier seemed really lost … What kind of doctor Love is ?
-You'll get to know one day … If you stay here long enough of course.
- I will !!

Love was leaned against the door he just closed. In front of him, A guy was sat on the pool. He was wearing a black coat and sunglasses. He was drinking wine like some expert of that kind of stuff. The doctor came closer and asked :
-Are you my new patient ?
-Is there anybody else here ?
Love checked the room. There was just the two of them. He replied :
-No. I'm doctor Love. Nice to meet you.
The patient glared at the doctor's hand, pushed back his hand and said, calmly:
-No need for that kind of formality doctor. I'm Carter. I'm just here to say hello. You just have to sign that paper and I'm free.
Carter held a piece of paper to Love, Who took it to read it. After a while, the doctor asked :
-Your Girlfriend ask you to come here ?
- Yeah … She thinks I'm a bit jealous, she's nuts you know. I love her but damn sometimes she really get on my nerves. It's not my fault that she flirts with some random guy.
-How can you be so sure about it ?
Carter took his time to answer. His face, which was usually showing a confident façade, was now full of melancholy and sadness. He said quietly :
-I know she would. That's all and I'm not here to talk about that. Now sign it.
Love looked at the paper, then at Carter and exclaimed:
-Oh shot ! I forgot my pen in my office. We can go there to sign your paper. I promise I won't  bother you any longer.
-Okay then … Let's go.

Arwen and Olivia were watching the whole scene on the monitor in their office. Olivia asked Arwen :
-Is he going to give up that easily ?
-Giving up ? Not his style ! In fact it's one of his best method, tricking people !
-Well now I'm almost sure now that he's not a doctor or something close to it.

Love was about to open the door but he stopped, and he invited Carter to open it himself. The man glanced at the doctor, thinking he was so kind of weirdo, and asked :
-What does it matter that I open the door ?
-Well it matter a lot to me so please.
Carter pushed Love and put his hand on the doorknob. He was opening the door but then he interrupted himself. He felt something fishy coming from Love. He was about to say something but Love slammed the door and threw Carter in it. He fell into a white tunnel, which almost made him blind because of its bright light. Suddenly he reached the end of the tunnel by falling on the ground, or in the mud to more precise. He was dressed like a soldier, and he was in the middle of the ruin of a city. He stood up and noted that he had a rifle on his back. He decided to search for some survivor, and so he began a walk into the destroyed city. He walked for hours, without finding anyone, and thought that Love sent him into that place to punish him, or to mock him. But he finally found the man he cursed a few minutes before, waiting next to a girl. As he was approaching them, the girl seemed kinda familiar to him and then he finally realized that it was his girlfriend. He rushed towards them and said, relieved :
-Thank God I'm not … What ?
She didn't react to his words. She wasn't even moving from one inch. He shook her by holding her by shoulders. She was like a puppet. He dashed toward Love and shouted while catching him by his collar :
-I'm sure it's you ! What the hell happened to her ? You better give me an answer or …
-It's not her.
-What ?
-It's a puppet made from your girlfriend.
- Why ?
Love didn't have the time to give an answer. An explosion rang out from behind Love, followed by the noise of a building which was collapsing. A giant puff of smoke headed to them at full speed. They were blow up by it and then, silence. Carter was covered in dust, as for the puppet of his girlfriend. Love was looking at the end of the street, where he was able to distinguish a few shadows into the remains of the puff. They were running in their direction. Love put his hand on his face, totally terrified. He looked at Carter, and saw that he noticed them too. Carter asked Love :
-What are those guys ?
-Dunno … Maybe they're looking for some food.
Carter was staring at them. Suddenly a shadow appeared next to him, a shadow who looked just like him. The time was frozen around him, the shadow smiled and asked :
-Are you feeling well ? Watching those guys trying to seduce her.
-But …
The puppet started to move and took a more human form. Now she looked exactly like his Girlfriend. She came closer to him and whispered :
-Please … Save me … I'm defenseless …. You know that I can resist those people … You must kill them to protect me !
- Yeah …
The shadow was laughing and asked Carter :
- Well … Well … You've always trusted me until now ? I've ever been wrong ? They're a threat to her !
-No … You're right … They're coming for her ! I must stop them ! She's mine !
The shadow smiled and patted him on the head while saying :
-You're a good boy.
The shadow fused with Carter and the time turned back to normal. The puppet retrieved its normal form, laid down on the floor.  Love, who thought he lost control of himself for a few seconds, was about to say something but Carter interrupted him :
-Those guys are evil ! We must stop them.
-How can you say that ? Just because they're running ? Don't ever go to a track field race because you'll kill all the competitors!
Carter didn't listen to Love and walked toward the men running. He couldn't distinguish their faces but he didn't care because he knew deep down that they were coming for her, and that puppet was now his girlfriend.
He drew his rifle and pointed out to one of the men, and shouted :
-Stop right here ! It's an order !
They didn't seem to slow down even one bit. Love didn't try to stop him, he was just gazing at him, wanting to see what Carter will do. One of the runners was in advance, Carter pointed his weapon at him, and after one final warning, he shot. The bullet passed through the head of the runner. He fell, head first, on the ground. He tired to shoot another runner but he was already out of bullet. Instead of realizing what he had done, he tried to hit an other runner with his fist. The runner dodged, and didn't pay attention to the puppet. The other runners did the same. Love noted that they seemed running away from something. Carter didn't understand what was happening, he thought they were here for his girlfriend. He dropped his weapon, finally understanding what he had just done, killing a man of cold blood. Love approached the corpse, and turned it over. Both Carter and Love saw it. The dead runner had Carter's face. Love sighed, Carter was terrified by the discovery, he was devastated by it ; he asked Love for an explanation. The doctor turned his back on him, and with a serious tone, full of disappointment, he replied :
-It's simple. It's you.
-I saw that It was me but what is the meaning of this ?
Love had a grim face, his hands were in his pockets. He replied :
-It means that the only one who will threaten your couple is you. Because of your jealousy you will destroy her love for you. You think you've the mission of protecting her from other guys, but the only thing you did was to make her feel depressed, because firstly you don't trust her and secondly you consider her as your property and I … Really … Despise those kind of people.
The ground started to shaken as Love was still talking :
-And I've a special punishment for the people like you.
Carter didn't know what to answer. Love came closer to him and said calmly :
-I will shut down this damn voice inside your head.
At the end of the street, there was a black little cat. He ran to Love, jumped on his shoulder and licked his cheek. Carter, burst into laughter and mocked Love and his cat :
-Is that your punishment ? Don't make me laugh !!
Love rose his eyebrow, then replied :
-Never judge something by its appearance. Tiny Cat !
The cat jumped from Love shoulder and transformed into a giant black beast. Drool was flowing from its mouth. Carter was so scared that he couldn't move. He thought it was the end for him. What a joke. Eaten by a cat. But someone in his head didn't want to be eaten. The shadow from earlier appeared, and tried to flee from the beast. Love saw it and ordered his beast to chases it. While the beast ran to catch the shadow, Love said to Carter :
-It's time to say goodbye to your jealousy.
-But he was here for me all the time I was in need.
-Well I must say, he was a pretty bad adviser … You should trust your partner a bit more.
Carter was speechless. The beast was on the edge of catching the shadow. It opened its mouth. The shadow screamed like a baby. Carter closed his eyes. And then in a single quick move, the beast bit the shadow.

When Carter opened his eyes, he was in front of the door of Love's office. The latter was holding out a paper to him. Carter was a bit shocked, Love asked :
-Are you okay ?
-Yeah … No … Sorry I'm a bit lost.
-I saw that. You shouldn't space out like that. You might get raped.
-What ? Just because I'm spaced out ? Are you mad ?
- …. Well my mom told me that I was mad just because I tried to built a nuclear bomb ! I was already a grown-up man of 10 years old !
-Nevermind … Act if I didn't asked this question.
- Here your paper.
Carter took the paper ; he noticed something written at the bottom of the page. "Cured". Carter, a bit surprised at first, decided to keep it for himself. As he was shaking Carter's hand, Love declared :
-You look way better without him.
-Without what ?
-You'll notice really soon. Then it’s a goodbye ! I'm sure we won't see each other so cherish the time you've with her because it might not last, okay ?
-I will. Thanks.
Carter left … Well he tried because Love caught him and forced him to pay for his service. As he was going out of the building, he felt a bit lighter. First from his money but also he was at ease with his mind. He took out a cell phone from his pocket and called someone. A woman picked up :
-Hey ! How did it go ?
-Fine, he signed the paper you gave me.
-You've just asked him to sign it ? Well at least you went to his office …
The couple stay silent for a few seconds, then Carter broke it :
-Hey … Remember the party you are going to … Can I go with you ?
-What ? Did you hurt your head ? There will be a lot of boys here …
-Yeah I know but I trust you … And also I've a few friends who are going at this party and it's been a while since we haven't gone to a party together. What do you think ?
- Wow … I'm amazed … Well lets meet in a hour okay ?
- Okay see you later !
- See you.
He hung out the phone. He looked at a shop window, his shadow was here, glaring at him with its creepy smile but it was slowly fading away and finally, it totally disappeared. Happy, Carter rushed toward his home to get dressed for the upcoming party.
Love was at the window of his office, he was looking at Carter running. He smiled, and suddenly he heard a little noise behind him. The black cat from earlier was waiting for him to pick it up. Love took it and let it drink some milk. As it was drinking, Love said :
-You did a great job you know that ?
The cat look at Love with his mustaches full of milk. The doctor burst into laughter, put the cat into the room and closed the window.

The day passed within the blink of an eye. Olivia was exhausted at the end of the day. She stood up, Arwen was still obsessed with the monitor of her computer. Olivia put her stuff into her bag and said, in a slow tone :
-Well … I suppose it was a test today right ?
-Hum ? No.
-Oh good so …
-The test is tomorrow.
-Oh come on !
-Sorry I should have warn you ! You were just observing us today and tomorrow, you will see the doctor in action. You better be prepared.
On these words, Olivia left the office. As she was walking in the waiting room, she saw Love playing snooker, his cat sleeping on the table. She waved at him, he replied with a smile and asked :
-How was your first day ?
-Unusual I must say … But I'm looking forward for tomorrow.
-Yeah … I'm not sure you will say that tomorrow. But it depends of the patient. Hope you'll have an easy one.
- Don't tell I'm going to talk to a patient ?
- No don't worry about it … We'll be in his head.
-What ?
- See you tomorrow !
-But …
-My ! It's starting to get late ! Let's take a nap.
The doctor left, followed by his cat and then locked himself up in his office. Olivia was stunned, frozen in time. She came back to her sense, and angry by the doctor behavior, she left the building by slamming the door.
When she got home, she was so tired that she directly wants to sleep. As she was in her bed, she was wondering what kind of man was Love. Because he seemed so strange, there is no way a doctor could be like that. In the end, she didn't sleep one bit and she was so tired in the morning that she fall three times while walking in her flat.
She went to work, taking the bus. In front of her, there was a man wearing a suit and he was sat playing video game. She observed him to kill time. He didn't raise his head once, being in his bubble and not caring about what was happening around him. Olivia rose from her seat and left the bus at her stop, in front of the Doctor office.

-Why can't I throw water balloon at people?
-Because it's mean and childish !
-But my name is written next to childish in the dictionary !
-You shouldn't be proud of that ! You gigantic idiot.
Arwen and Love were arguing when Olivia entered their office. She passed next to them and was about to sit down but Love shouted :
-Olivia ! In my office right now !
-But …
-I sa .. I sai … I SAID RIGHT NOW !
Arwen laughed and mocked her brother :
-Slower you should speak Young padawan.
-I'm actually fixing it and since you're younger than me, you're my PADAWAN !
Olivia left the room without asking any questions. She didn't want to be involved in this argument. She went to Love office. It was a very quiet room, no noise was coming from the outside. Love's cat was sleeping on a couch near the desk. Olivia wanted to pet it but Love barged into the room, and he grumbled as he sat on his chair :
-She gets on my nerves … I can't stand her when she's like that.
-What's wrong ?
-She said that throwing a water balloon wasn't a good idea just because one of mine broke the neck of an old lady. It's not my fault that she's not drinking enough milk.
Olivia fixed Love, totally impressed by the overwhelming stupidity of the man. She replied with an ironic tone :
-Yeah … What a Kill-Joy.
-Of course ! … Wait a second … Are you mocking me ?
-Me ? Not my style !
Love stopped. While shouting he crossed the eyes of a young boy waiting at the entrance of his office. Love smiled at the patient and asked :
-Are you … Mister Jammy ?
-Yeah … Missed my bus stop … Sorry.
Love jumped from his seat, rushed to Jimmy and shook his hand. The boy was surprised, and quickly after Love released his hand, Jimmy put it in his pocket. Love led him to a chair next to Olivia. Once he was sat, he noticed her. She smiled at him, to be polite. He nodded as a reply and then began to look at his feet, because one of his main illnesses was an overwhelming and unbearable shyness. Love clapped his hands, put them on his desk and asked the boy, his voice full of determination:
-So … Why are you here ?
- A friend of mine was kidnapped.
Olivia screamed :
-What ? Why didn't you called the …
Love with a sign of his hand told her to stay quiet. Love invited the boy to continue his story :
-Go on.
-He's my best friend. He's very special to me because I think my mom asked some strange forces to smuggle him.
Olivia was even more shocked than before, she shouted louder :
-What kind of people is you're …
Love did the same sign to shut her. The boy, went back to his story, his hands were shaking :
-It's been 5 days … I don't know what to do anymore. He's my only friend. I'm nothing without him. I'm so scared …
Love's face was serious. With a gentle look, he asked :
-Only you can see it … Him I mean … right?
Jimmy didn't reply right away. When he heard Love's question, he shivered from head to toes. He swallowed his saliva, and finally replied, very quietly :
Olivia was about to comment that too but at Love's glance, she understood that she should remain silent. Love smiled, and tried to comfort the poor boy :
-We'll find him ! Don't worry about that … I already have a clue of who are those kidnappers.
Olivia asked :
-Really ?
-Of course, because if I didn't, I won't be Doctor Love but for the best, a mere copy.
-Okay that's was weird.
-My name is written next to this word in the dictionary too though … Let's go !
Love clapped his hand. A door popped out on the wall next to them. Love invited both Olivia and Jimmy to open it. Olivia went first and what she saw was astonishing. A gigantic garage with a thousand of cars. There was Ferraris, Porsches … Many cars among the most beautiful and fattest cars in the world. There were even cars that haven't been showed to the market yet. At the end of the garage they were cars from movies and in front of them, more common cars, because sometimes Loves liked to be discreet. Jimmy followed Olivia and was totally amazed by it, Love was behind him and asked :
-Amazing, isn't it ?
Olivia, who thought she was dreaming, once again, cried out :
-HOW ? HOW ? HOW can you have a garage … Whatever I don't care.
-So … Which one ?

A beautiful Red Ferrari exploded the garage's door at full speed. Olivia and Jimmy were screaming while Love was expressing his happiness by a sadistic laugh. Then he realized he had just broke the door of the garage and whispered :
-Arwen will surely kill me … Well since I'm doomed ! Let's have fun !
Love sped up the car. Jimmy, who hardly succeed to move from his seat to talk to the doctor, asked :
-Where are we going ?
Love replied, with a childish happiness :
-To save your friend of course !
- But you don't where he is.
-Of course I know ! LEFT !
The car turned left. Jimmy ended up face first against Olivia who angrily put him in his seat. She declared, nervously:
-Who the hell gave you your license?
Love replied right away, with certain innocence:
-I don't have my license. The examinator said I was a public danger on the road.
Olivia fixed him a few seconds, went back to her seat and muttered :
-We're doomed.
As Olivia was looking at the car window to admire the landscape a last time, she noted that the town was may more Asian looking than I used to and some buildings had a strange pink color, and from time to time they were penetrated by a weird electric choc.
Suddenly the car stopped. Jimmy went out of the car, to be in front of an enormous Japanese like temple. Jimmy enjoyed the view because he was a big fan of the Asian culture. Olivia thought that even if it was beautiful, it was just weird that a temple popped up like that and she concluded that it couldn't be worse. Love got out of the car, and was dressed like a ninja. Olivia fixed him, and now she was able to tell that it couldn't be worse.
They ran toward the temple, because Love knew that Jimmy's friend was trapped here. Suddenly a giant guardian made of stone appeared in front of them. His weapon was a sharp axe made of gold and in his back there was a long hast made of silver. Jimmy and Olivia were totally frightened while Love was standing in front of the giant, proud. The giant asked Love :
-What are you doing here stranger ? This area is not allowed for the weak like you ! I'm the authority here !
-I'm here to reclaim his friend ! Now get out the way ! You little stone!
Love words resounded in the whole area. The trees around him were shaking. And then silence. The giant screamed his rage against the doctor. Birds fled from the place, the ground cracked, the grass started to rot. The giant took his axe and lifted it above his head, to cut the Doctor in two parts like a piece of meat. Olivia was shouting at the Doctor to run away but Love didn't listen to her. He put in his right hand in his pocket, and took out a silver marble. When the Giant saw it, he smiled and considered Love as a fool who was crazy enough to defy a strength of the nature like him with just a marble. But since the giant was merciful, he decided to kill Love with one strike. As fast as a lightning strike, he slammed the ground with his axe. But Love wasn't there anymore. Suddenly he heard on his left :
-Hey Big boy.
The giant saw Love in mid-air, the Silver marble between two fingers. Love smiled, the giant face was tainted with fear. Love shot his silver marble. The giant's head broke into a thousand piece of rock, killing him in the process. Love stepped on the floor, and raised his finger to show his satisfaction to his friends.
They were progressing in the huge temple which was full of gold and silvers statues, showing gods of an ancient time. Olivia was observing each statue, from which she was scared because it was as if they were alive and glaring at them. The floor on which they were walking was covered in glass and a sky full of stars was under it. Jimmy was totally amazed by this. After a while they found some upstairs leading to an another floor. Water was flowing from it. Both Jimmy and Olivia glanced at Love, waiting for his wisdom. Love put his fingers in his noise and replied, nonchalantly:
-Let's take them ! I'm sure they will lead us to the culprit of the kidnapping!
Without any hesitation, Love took the upstairs, followed by Jimmy and Olivia. As they were climbing them, Olivia felt a growing pressure around them, as if a strong aura made of hatred and madness was crushing them. She noticed that Jimmy felt the same, as he was holding his arms against him and had a worried face. They finally reached the first floor. The floor was covered with water, which was warm. The room was filled with two waterfalls and, between them, there was a throne made of diamante. A woman with four arms was sat on it, rocking a baby in two of them. Love ordered to his two friends :
-You two, stay behind me.
Olivia replied :
-Why ?
Love declared, without turning his back :
-I think this one is going to be tough.

Love walked towards the Woman. She had a gentle face, full of love for her baby and she seemed kind at first sight, even after Love noticed that she had snake eyes. Love stopped in front of her, he sighed and presented himself :
-Hello madam, let me introduce myself. I'm the Doctor Love, and these two fellows behind me are my friend Jimmy and my secretary Olivia.
-Welcome to my Temple. I'm Vashijir, The Mother Goddess of Water. What kind of business led you here ?
-We're looking for my …
Love noticed a blue ghost-like smoke escaping from where was the baby. Love moved forward a little, and after that dashed back to get away from her. Love was disgusted and shocked at the same time. What he saw wasn't a baby. It had the body of a baby but the head a grown-up man, in his twenties. Vashijir, after seeing Love's reaction, burst into a state of rage so strong that the temple started to shake.
Olivia cried out to Love :
-You moron ! You've make her mad !
-I'm not my fault that her baby has a beard !!
Olivia and Jimmy could hardly stay on their feet. The monster shouted :
-How dare you ?! My baby is beautiful !
-Of course not ! He shouldn't be a baby at this age !
-No ! He can !!!! He will be mine forever !!!!
The monster screamed once again, and then the waterfalls started to get stronger, making the water level rose in the Statues' room. Olivia shouted :
-We've to get out of here or we'll die here !!
-How many minutes do you think we have ?
Olivia rushed at the stairs to see how the water's level was raising. She take a quick look at it and screamed at Love :
-Around ten minutes !
-It's more than enough !!! All we have to do is to … Holy …
The monster swallowed the baby, to protect him from Love. Love winced and grumbled :
-A really tough one … It's time to get serious !!
Love ran to Vashijir at his full speed, She was ready to take any attack from him. Suddenly when Love was just about to hit her, he disappeared. The beast looked around her, and she felt something grabbing her tail. She looked over her shoulder, and saw Love smiling and holding her tail in his hands. She was so angry that her eyes became red, and so the Doctor didn't wait for her to attack him, so he started to swing her with all of his strength. When he reached enough speed, he threw her on the other side of the room, making her hitting the opposite wall. Vashijir, because of the shock, had trouble getting up and when she did, she shouted :
Love, totally inexpressive, replied :
-As long as you don't spit on me it's good.
The beast slammed her four hands on the ground. The floor shook and two pillar of water appeared and strike Love against the wall. The pressure was so strong that he couldn't even move a single finger. Vashijir had to focus to maintain the two pillar. Olivia and Jimmy decided to intervene by throwing rocks at the beast, but it didn't work out well since it was just bouncing against her. Jimmy noticed a giant rock above Vashijir, so him and Olivia climbed the wall to reach him, and they hurried because Love was about to pass out since he was lacking fresh air. They finally arrived near the rock and when the strength they have, they pushed it. After a while, they pushed it enough to make it fall. The rock missed the beast, who dodged it quite easily, but it distracted her enough to broke her power, and weaken her two pillars. However she was able to restore its original strength easily and thought Love was still pressured against the wall, until …
Vashijir turned her head, to saw Love behind her, soaking wet but still alive. She couldn't stop her two pillars like she wanted so she was defenseless and she begged Love  :
-Please… You won't hit …
Love cracked his fingers and hit as hard as he could the monster. Her teeth broke into a thousand pieces, her skull was totally destroyed and her brain was now nothing more than a liquid. Vashijir fall head first on the floor, killed by the Doctor punch. The doctor, exhausted, declared :
-No matter what is your gender, color and race … I will hit you with all my strength ! Since I despise everybody … Mouhahhaha ... I should write it on down somewhere
Olivia said :
-Wise words from a mad man.
 The floor under them was totally submerged by water and now it was spreading into their room. Love thanked his two friends for helping him and rushed to open the chest of the dead beast. But he didn't had the time to do it. The beast's chest exploded and a blue smoke escaped from it. The blue smoke gathered into one place, in front of Jimmy, taking the form of a human being. Jimmy's face brightened, the being said :
-It's good to see you Jimmy. I'm glad you came to save me.
Jimmy happily replied :
-You're my friend. I couldn't abandon you.
The being's face was sad. It said :
-But … It's too late now.
-What ?
-You've to go on without me …
The water level was around their waist. Love showed to Jimmy that he had to rush a bit. Jimmy asked :
-Why ? I can't ! You're my only friend now !
-You've to grow up now. You're no longer a child anymore. But don't worry I'll always be by your side. And you will have new friends too … Please don't make it more difficult …
-No don't !!!
-Remember … Even if you don't want to grow up, you've to but it's only in the appearance! Because as long as you keep the child you used to be inside you, I will always be there. You just have to be a bit of both.
-You promise you'll be with me ?
-I promise.
The being disappeared after saying its final goodbye to Jimmy and everything exploded in a giant flash.

They were back in Love's office. Olivia was sitting in a chair next to Love's desk while the doctor was shaking the hand of a young man in dark suit. She recognized him as the one she saw in the bus. She asked :
-Where's is Jimmy ?
Love pointed out the man in suit as Jimmy. Olivia was shocked, a little while ago he was a boy. Love said to Jimmy that he was cured and could go on in his life. Jimmy thanked the Doctor many times, did the same to Olivia who blushed because of that. And then, after paying the bill, he left the building. Once he was outside, he saw his imaginary friend playing with a younger self of him. The being noticed the older Jimmy and waved at him, and then along with the younger jimmy, he disappeared. Jimmy, happy, continued to walk, ready to start his life as an adult.

-He was not ready to be an adult. I suppose his parents were the reason to his distress. One covering him too much and the other wanted him to be more adult, and he thought they've stolen his childhood.
Olivia replied :
-That's why when he entered the office, he transformed into a little child ?
-Yeah … We help him becoming an adult.
-Wow …
-And by the way, you've passed your test ! Congratulations !! You're our new office lady.
-Oh thanks … I don't know what to …
-Then say nothing. Go join Arwen, she has something to give you. I'll join you in a few seconds.
-Then I'm going on ahead.
Olivia left the office. Love was alone, he took out a picture from his pocket and while looking at it, he said :
-One day … I will cure you too.
He put it on his desk and left the office. The picture showed a … the room turned to black.

The cabinet of Doctor Love
The End.
Theme :
Pilgrim – Eric Clapton

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